Thoughts and Prayers May Not Be Enough!


When we experience a horrible event like the slaughter of children in Uvalde, Texas, we hear people say, “Our thoughts and prayers are with them.” I think this is a good thing and shared mostly in sincerity. But is it enough? When I heard of this tragedy, I thought, “What can I do?”, and said prayers like “Father, please be with the grieving families.” But that is not enough. 

How can we keep this escalating nightmare from happening over and over? I have thought a lot about this. My opinions are only that, but I would like to share mine concerning this challenge. The mostly young men who are committing these heinous crimes reveal a dark pattern of repeated similarities.  

I have come to believe that this is not caused by, nor will it be solved by, a single solution approach. I have composed a list I believe contributes to the problem and a few suggested solutions. 

  1. Fatherlessness and the broken family - Every study shows that the high percentage of children raised without a father’s positive influence often results in anger and confusion.

  2. Gaming, music, TV, and movie violence - Have resulted in a loss of reality and less value for life.

  3. Early exposure to pornography - The easy availability of the worst kinds of sexual perversion brings shame and low self-esteem.

  4. Social media and peer pressure to be famous - If only for a moment, and a willingness to do anything to achieve it.

  5. Easy availability of deadly weapons - As a gun owner, I understand that guns don’t kill; people do. I also appreciate the connection between freedom and the right to bear arms. However, we need to reconsider current gun laws. We are smart enough to design a way to better “vet” those buying guns and still not endanger the second amendment.

  6. Political gridlock - My recent assignment in Washington DC taught me that there are plenty of smart people there but few without a personal agenda. The division and unwillingness to sit down and reason together until they produce real positive change for the nation shows a tragic lack of leadership.

  7. Rise in mental illness - And a lack of honest dialogue and response to it.

  8. The dismissal of God - In our everyday lives, from the school classroom to the corporate boardroom. 

This is my list.  You may have other concerns that need to be added or some of mine that you would like to remove. I respect your right to your own opinion, but I believe that we can all find a way to do a better job. 

As one who believes in Jesus and His glorious church, the only answer for our broken condition is to turn to God. And my prayers, “Dear Father, let your people rise up in love and unity for the common good of all people.” Or, “As you taught us to pray, ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’” And also, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Our “daily bread” is the strength, strategy, and substance from God to meet the challenges facing us every day.

As sadness covers the nation over our broken condition, we pray this as never before. And there is more - after our thoughts and prayers, we move into action, becoming the hands and feet of Jesus on the earth. 

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